Tama the Otaku tattoo!:D Finally done!:D

SO… I have finally gotten my second tattoo!:D This is the one that all otaku’s that know me have been waiting for… Tama Tiger inspired from a dream as well as the anime Hayate no Gotoku
I had originally planned on putting it on my ankle but it ended up on my calf because of the size. The dream that the idea for the tattoo originally came from was one I had shortly after the death of my mom (who’s name is written in katakana in it’s Japanese pronunciation,below Tama… thank you Katie for helping me get that figured out…) I had a dream that my mom was walking alongside a white tiger… and shortly after that was when we had checked out and seen Tama for the first time in Hayate no Gotoku. And knowing the type of personality my mom had most of the time was a prettty humorous one, I thought the draw out for this tattoo was totally perfect!:D I know the pictures may not be the greatest quality because I did just get it done tonight, but at least you get the general idea of what it looks like. Let me know what you all think!:D I look forward to everyone’s comments on this!:D