Shana Flame Hair Ver. Figma

Shana, the Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter, or Flame Haze, has arrived in fiery Figma form. She hails from the anime Shakugan no Shana, though this particular figure is from Shakugan no Shana II. I bought her from Hobby Search, as usual, and she cost 2,261 Yen, sans shipping cost. She is still in stock at the time of writing this.

Shana comes with a total of 2 faces, 12 hands, 1 melon pan, and one katana (her Nietono no Shana). Alastor, her pendant, is attached to the bow of her school uniform. This I don’t especially care for, because I think it would have done better as an actual pendant, but it’s probably better this way because it’s not as easy to lose or break. Her katana is thin, so when handling it one needs to take extra care so as to not break it. The stand that comes with Shana is a bit different than most of them, because her hair is longer. It comes with an extra piece (as shown in the last picture) that attached to it, and goes into her back so the stand sits sideways. This restricts her movement a bit, but not too much. The most unique thing I find about Shana is her hair. It has two pieces that move in and out to create a flaring out or wind blowing effect (see below for example pictures).

This has nothing to do with the review, but I bought cheap transportation and decided to test it out with Shana. It’s the first vehicle I’ve been able to find that a Figma fits in pretty decently, so I thought I’d throw in a bonus picture or two. I’ll be buying a few more of these for a future shoot.

Sayonara 2008

Well, it’s 2009 already in most of the world, but I’m still stuck in the past. I got lucky and these two figures arrived this morning, just in time to be my last arrivals for the year. This ends my first year as a figure collector, and I’m ending the year happy. Figma Shana and Nendoroid Miku Hatsune have made themselves snug and warm in my cold living chambers. Maybe Shana can warm the place up a bit. Nendoroid Miku marks my very first Nendo! I have one coming in January and another in February. Well, I’m not really going to be doing anything special to bring in the new year as far as I know, maybe watch anime or something. I don’t drink or “party”, been over that stage for a while now. I am NOT going to add up my figure expenses or whatever for the year, I don’t even want to know so I definitely don’t feel like sharing it with others. Anyways, I really don’t like making new years’ resolutions, but I think instead I’ll just list a few goals that I should be able to accomplish. So here goes.

My goals for 2009.

To stop procrastinating and actually TRY to learn Japanese, by learn I mean to read, write and speak it fluently. I don’t have to master the language, but I want to do the best I can instead of slacking off. I need to buckle down and study seriously.

To get myself in better physical shape. That means more frequent exercise, but not too much, too fast because I’m way out of shape.

To shed some of my hikkikomori ways. You might wonder how one can be a hikkikomori and be married and have a son, but believe me it is possible. I’ve lived here for over a year now and I haven’t been around much, or met many people. More outings, more often. I might not seem to have a problem, but that’s only because I don’t talk about it much.

To cosplay for the first time, and go to my first convention. Yes, I, as an anime fan, have failed to attend even the smallest gathering, largely in part to the above factor. Why would a hikkikomori go somewhere where there’s lots of people? Anyways, I’m going to make it a goal to drag my butt to Nan Desu Kan in September, I’ll be posting more about that one of these days. I also have a few different ideas for cosplaying now.

To spend my online time more efficiently. Get more done in less time, and spend less time vegging out in front of games. I’ve already been doing this but I want to do it more. That means no more MMORPGs or at least, a hell of a lot less. Really this isn’t a problem right now, but if I find another game who knows how much time it will eat up, and/or money. This goal also means being a better blogger.

Alrighty, that’s probably enough on the goals. We might be moving the blog to WordPress sometime in 2009. We’ve been messing with it for a while now, and we’ve been considering the move. The only thing holding us back right now is money, because we’d like to have a host. For now, we’ll be sticking with blogger until the time is right. We have a nice list of future posts to work on, so January looks like it’ll be pretty busy here on Animaticfigmation. So to all our readers, have a safe and happy new year! May 2009 bring us closer to ourselves and make the world a better place.

Non figure images from Gelbooru.