Maru and Moro 1/8 PVC from xxxHolic by Lilics

So, I was just checking out what was new at Hobby Search, and I stumbled across newly available for pre-order Maru & Moro from xxxHolic, that I had previously mentioned a couple posts back in Figure Seeking in 2009. Due out in May for the price of 6,153 Yen. Now you can see better pictures, I thought I’d share the pictures from Hobby Search with you all, since this is going on my pre-order list. As I mentioned before I’m not fond of Lilics, they certainly don’t get rave reviews for figure making, but as this is my first purchase I can’t really say anything negative other than based on what I’ve heard/seen. This will be my first purchase of a Lilics PVC figure, so I’ll be taking the gamble and finding out myself. I can only hope they end up looking like the prototypes. I totally agree with lovelyduckie though, in her comments on the last post about this figure she mentioned wanting a Yuko figure (from xxxHolic) more than anything, Yuko is highly desirable, and it’s rather annoying that they haven’t released a figure of her yet. Maybe this figure here is a sign of more xxxHolic figures to come? One can only hope and wait. /end xxxHolic fanboy rant, you can pre-order the figure here.