Flickr Update

I know I haven’t been that active lately but everything has been going pretty slow lately. I got a couple more manga but other than that not much is going on. So today I updated my Flickr. Previously I only had one folder with some pictures in it I liked. Now I finally got around to uploading my photos that I’ve taken of my figures. You’ll see almost all of the pictures from my previous posts along with a bunch of pictures that I didn’t use for my reviews. I’ve been watching a ton of anime, from this season and also catching up on older ones that I never got around to seeing. I guess I’ve been procrastinating a lot lately. I’ve had a few posts written up and then decided not to post them. Anyways, I have 3 more figures coming this month that I’ll be reviewing when they do get here, so look forward to that. Halloween is drawing close and it’s my favorite holiday here even though it’s nothing like it used to be, so I’ll probably do something special when it draws closer. From this point on I’ll be using Flickr to upload my photos for reviews, so some of the pictures I don’t put in my review will be available for viewing there. It’s getting late and I need sleep, so I’ll finish uploading the pictures tomorrow, but for now you can see what I got up there. Oh yeah, if you have a Flickr account go ahead and add me and I’ll add you back.

Here’s the link to my Flickr.