Revoltech Saber [Alter]

Alright I’m very tired it’s after 2 am and it’s been a long day, but for some reason I like to do my photo shoots in the dead of night. Overall I’m pleased with this figure. It makes me appreciate my figmas more though, because this one only came with a 2 piece stand, 2 swords and the visor hairpiece. No extra hands/faces like I’m used to, and as I said before the stand is pretty lame (compared to figma stands of course). But, the quality of the figure itself is very well done. It didn’t fall apart while posing, the Revoltech joints are pretty good at holding in place. Nothing wrong with the paint job. My wife thinks the eyes are freaky, but I rather like them. I’m not sure if it’s just this figure but compared to the figmas it’s at least an inch taller, if not more. I can’t say I’m a huge fan of Revoltech after just this figure, but I’ll be buying more from them for sure. After all, I have Yoko pre-ordered, and I’m sure I’ll find others sometime down the road. Ok, since I’m about to pass out, I’ll just leave my rambling short. I hope the stand for Yoko is like the other ones I’ve seen. I’m going to guess the reason this stand was different from the other Revoltech ones I’ve seen before this is because of the armor. Well, now I can have some fun with my normal Saber figma and my dark Saber Revoltech. I tried to get some good pictures, forgive me if some of them aren’t that great of quality, that’s what I get for being half asleep.

My First Revoltech Has Arrived

Alright well it’s been a few days since I posted anything. I’ve been trying to cut down on spending lately so I’m going to try and keep myself from impulse buys. I have about 8 pre-orders right now as it is. Anyways I’ll be doing a review/photo shoot of my newest arrival, Revoltech Saber [Alter] this evening. Excuse the crap blurry shot of the box, but I can’t sit there getting a bunch of pix of the box before opening figures up, I could care less about the packaging most of the time.

Since I’ll be doing the real photo shoot later I suppose I’ll just make this a short post. When I opened it up I was surprised by the stand because it wasn’t like what I had seen in other reviews of Revoltech figures. In my opinion the stand is next to useless (I could be biased because I’m used to figma stands). It’s quite simple and the only place the stand goes on the figure is the feet, which I find somewhat difficult for pulling off really good poses. I did like the art piece that came in the box. Very cool. Uh, so here’s a few shots of her stand and next to Figma Saber, to show size comparison. Real pictures will either be up either tonight or tomorrow, I got cleaning to do for now.

Saber Armor Ver. Figma

Another figma to my collection today. I started watching Fate/Stay Night so I could justify getting her. I’ve always had a thing for medieval armor and weapons, and Saber is no exception. I didn’t think I’d like the anime at first because from the plot synopsis I just didn’t get too interested but I’d been curious about her for quite a while so I had to give it a shot. It didn’t take me long to find her my favorite character in the series, and she is indeed a great figma. Not sure if I’ll bother getting Rin Tohsaka, we’ll see. Yes, I know, lots of figmas almost back-to-back. I’m bad. Yay for drafts, my internet has been acting up every time I try to finish this post.

Saber impressed me. I figured I’d have at the least the usual loose hair problem I’ve had with many of my figmas. Nope, not here. Her hands don’t give me any problem changing them, her joints aren’t too tight or too loose, and her hair fits on snuggly. Everything stays right where I want it without any difficulties. She’s not hard to pose, not too heavy despite the bulky appearance, and her swords are highly detailed. I have nothing negative to say about her at all.

I got so into Saber that I also decided to order the Saber Alter Revoltech. It will be my first Revoltech figure. Originally I had planned as Yoko Ritona being my first but I couldn’t pass up the dark version of Saber once I saw her. That should be here within a week or so. So, I can compare Revoltech to Figma soon, and have two versions of Saber. Now, I just have to avoid trying to get that expensive Saber Lily that comes with the game that’s coming out… Must… avoid… thinking about it.

Early Arrivals

I’m happy and excited to say that I’m very impressed with Hobby Search as they only took four days to get my Fate T. Harlaown figma to me, thanks to EMS shipping (which I see well worth the extra money). Also, my other order for Nanoha Takamachi and Konata Izumi came in this morning from J-List. Early arrivals are for the win! So, I’m going to hold off since my birthday is on Monday. For now here’s the boxes.

Yeah I know the pictures aren’t that great but I just wanted to show that they’re here and waiting for release. I’ll only post the best of my pictures when I do the photo shoots for the actual figures.

I’ll post up reviews/pictures of them on my birthday, the 11th. I’m sort of wondering whether or not I should post separately for each one, or do them all in the same post. Not sure what would be best, I’m bound to take a ton of pictures. Oh and the very first picture is the wallpaper I’m using for my desktop right now, I’m on a Nanoha kick right now. Also made a couple more orders today. I pre-ordered the Fraulein Revoltech Yoko Ritona action figure for my wife, this will be the first Revoltech figure we’ll have owned, now I can compare them with figma. Also decided to finally get Saber figma because I started watching Fate/Stay Night last night and I actually got into it. I never got into it before because the story just didn’t appeal to me, but the truth is I’ve always loved things medieval and ever since I was a kid, armor and swords were a fascination of mine. I’m sure most everyone has seen both but here are pictures of them just in case.