Fate T. Harlaown Figma

Alright, this is a late posting. I meant to do this last night, but I got too tired. Then I was in the middle of posting it today and the internet went down for half the day, that was a little annoying. So, here it is, a bit later than I had hoped. Fate T. Harlaown from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS. I had a harder time getting pictures of her for some reason, but here they are.

I was very pleased upon opening the box and taking her out. The main hair pieces/faces aren’t loose in the least bit. I did however have a slight defect on the left ponytail, which makes it pop out if I move it around too much. It’s not really loose though, just comes out if I move it too much. Fate’s Bardiche is just awesome. The details are almost a perfect likeness. Her bottom half’s barrier jacket doesn’t seem to be removable like Nanoha’s, not without breaking her at least. That’s not that big of a deal though, because she’s not that hard to balance, unless you put her cape on her. Luckily the stand works great with the cape, because of the extra pieces that hold the cape up. So, here’s Fate, another awesome figma that I’m proud to own.

Early Arrivals

I’m happy and excited to say that I’m very impressed with Hobby Search as they only took four days to get my Fate T. Harlaown figma to me, thanks to EMS shipping (which I see well worth the extra money). Also, my other order for Nanoha Takamachi and Konata Izumi came in this morning from J-List. Early arrivals are for the win! So, I’m going to hold off since my birthday is on Monday. For now here’s the boxes.

Yeah I know the pictures aren’t that great but I just wanted to show that they’re here and waiting for release. I’ll only post the best of my pictures when I do the photo shoots for the actual figures.

I’ll post up reviews/pictures of them on my birthday, the 11th. I’m sort of wondering whether or not I should post separately for each one, or do them all in the same post. Not sure what would be best, I’m bound to take a ton of pictures. Oh and the very first picture is the wallpaper I’m using for my desktop right now, I’m on a Nanoha kick right now. Also made a couple more orders today. I pre-ordered the Fraulein Revoltech Yoko Ritona action figure for my wife, this will be the first Revoltech figure we’ll have owned, now I can compare them with figma. Also decided to finally get Saber figma because I started watching Fate/Stay Night last night and I actually got into it. I never got into it before because the story just didn’t appeal to me, but the truth is I’ve always loved things medieval and ever since I was a kid, armor and swords were a fascination of mine. I’m sure most everyone has seen both but here are pictures of them just in case.

Nanoha Movie & The Search for Fate Figma

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha [劇場版「魔法少女リリカルなのは The MOVIE 1st] has just been announced in several places nearly at the same time, original source was from Megami magazine. Apparently the movie will be based on the first series, and Bardiche (Fate’s weapon) will have a new female voice. One thing that always got me about Nanoha was Fate’s Bardiche always said “Yes sir”. I’m in the midst of watching Nanoha StrikerS (the third series) right now so this news is great to me.

In other sort of related interest, I’m on a mission to get Nanoha and Fate figmas, hopefully around my birthday which is coming up on the 11th of August. Nanoha doesn’t look like she’ll be hard to obtain, but Fate on the other hand… I’ve searched all over the internet and everywhere that has her for sale is sold out. I didn’t pre-order her because I hadn’t watched the series at all when she was announced. Now that I’m nearing the end of the 3 series franchise I really want to get my hands on the figmas. If anyone knows a place I can get Fate let me know. All I know is she’s supposed to be released in a few days, so I’ll try my luck at the stores again and hope they have overstock. Here are pictures of the Nanoha Takamachi and Fate T. Harlaown figmas.

Oh yeah, since I believe my desktop isn’t really anything worth looking at itself, and don’t really understand the appeal of showing off your desktop so people can see your programs, I present to you my current desktop wallpaper, just click for the full size.