So, Just recently I got a new bag from Toycup, and I love it!:D It Has Yuko from “xxxHolic” on it!:D And you might wonder what is being carried in this bag right now? Well… here is your answer!:D (No, I wouldn’t put my cat in the bag, he just kinda snuck in the picture,oops!:P
The paper that you see the Katakana on… this is my mom’s name in Katakana, which will be on the tattoo that I am getting tomorrow for my birthday!:D I have decided on my tattoo finally!:D
So, this is what is in my bag right now.:D Lot’s of random goodness!:D:P
AND… birthday post tomorrow will include Tsukasa Hiiragi, and Kanu figma’s!:D
Oh, and yes, I practically live out of my bag most days!:P