First Package of The Year

It’s been a busy yet productive day. This morning two figures arrived at my door, but I haven’t had a chance to get pictures of them yet. Luckily I got enough done today that there isn’t much to do tomorrow, so I’ll likely get some pictures and post one of these girls up tomorrow. I’m going to guess a lot of people got Hayate Yagami Figma where as less people are getting Kyouka Midarezaki Nendoroid. Well, I was happy to get them anyways. I decided I better put at least one picture of them outside of the boxes so I don’t come off as teasing you with just box pictures. Something I thought was pretty cool was now that Hayate has arrived it marks my success in getting all the figures in my old post Wonfes Figma Wish Listing. Nice!

Rawr! Look forward to our reviews soon!

Early Arrivals

I’m happy and excited to say that I’m very impressed with Hobby Search as they only took four days to get my Fate T. Harlaown figma to me, thanks to EMS shipping (which I see well worth the extra money). Also, my other order for Nanoha Takamachi and Konata Izumi came in this morning from J-List. Early arrivals are for the win! So, I’m going to hold off since my birthday is on Monday. For now here’s the boxes.

Yeah I know the pictures aren’t that great but I just wanted to show that they’re here and waiting for release. I’ll only post the best of my pictures when I do the photo shoots for the actual figures.

I’ll post up reviews/pictures of them on my birthday, the 11th. I’m sort of wondering whether or not I should post separately for each one, or do them all in the same post. Not sure what would be best, I’m bound to take a ton of pictures. Oh and the very first picture is the wallpaper I’m using for my desktop right now, I’m on a Nanoha kick right now. Also made a couple more orders today. I pre-ordered the Fraulein Revoltech Yoko Ritona action figure for my wife, this will be the first Revoltech figure we’ll have owned, now I can compare them with figma. Also decided to finally get Saber figma because I started watching Fate/Stay Night last night and I actually got into it. I never got into it before because the story just didn’t appeal to me, but the truth is I’ve always loved things medieval and ever since I was a kid, armor and swords were a fascination of mine. I’m sure most everyone has seen both but here are pictures of them just in case.