CV03: Megurine Luka – Unveiled

Megurine Luka has been unveiled as CV03. You may have heard her singing Amazing Grace not too long ago. When I heard that I wasn’t too sure about how I felt towards the then unknown next Vocaloid. But just recently the song in the video above was released and I found myself more impressed. Luka is made to sing Japanese and English, and if you ask me her English is clear as could be. Her voice comes from seiyuu Asakawa Yuu, the voice of Rider from Fate/Stay Night and Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh, among many other characters. Check out her profile on ANN. Megurine Luka will be released later this month, as her scheduled release date is January 30th. Luka is apparently to be aged at 20 years old, making her the oldest of the Vocaloid2 characters. So, expect your favorite video sites to be flooded with new videos come February. I’m sure I’ll be sharing some with you as well, as I look forward to hearing what people can create with her voice. I’m not going to go deep in depth on this post, but I just had to share this with everyone who might not have heard (though I haven’t checked my normal daily sites yet to see if they’ve been overloaded with news about her). So, who thinks they’ll make a Figma/Nendoroid of her by the end of 2009? I’d buy a Figma for sure.

There are already a nice flood of pictures of her on Piapro and Pixiv. Expect a decent gallery of Luka later this month! Hopefully you don’t all get completely sick of my Vocaloid related posts, but don’t worry there will be plenty of other kinds! I was going to post something else until I stumbled across the news of her first thing this morning.

Images from Gelbooru.


  1. Wow… I wasn’t even aware of a new vocaloid being released… lol… Not sure how I feel about her… Me likes Meiko anyways. Meiko and Miku are the best for moi.

    As for Makoto… yes… she’s expensive… the most expensive I’ve bought… The price on the website went up 20 Euros a few days after I ordered her aswell. Lucky I ordered her when I did really.

  2. Well, Megurine looks quite Tsundere, judging from her facial expression.. Her outfit really looks nice indeed..

    Although Megurine has gained such a good fanbase already, I am sticking to Hatsune Miku.. She is <3.. xD

  3. not a fan at all , i prefer Miku for now 😦

    and her name is strange :/

  4. Me too!
    Im more Miku’s fan.


    She is also not tsundere, just more mature. Kthx.

  6. The english singing is a definite plus for me; I’m very interested to see what kind of songs will be made with her

  7. They’re really trying to squeeze the most out of this Vocaloid thing, aren’t they? XD

    Like many others, I like Miku’s design better. You know, the green colour scheme and all. This Megurine character doesn’t seem as polished?

    But hey, she still looks cool.

  8. I love her, but Luka is still on my third rank after Miku & Rin… xD

    No need to wait for the end of the month as it been only 2 days and I already filled my gallery with a lot of Luka’s pictures… xD The people over at PIAPRO and PIXIV are just to hyper… lol

  9. First Vocaloid whos voice i actually LIKE ^^

  10. Although I haven't heard too much from Luka I do like her voice from what I have heard.:)
    I also like her look, the belt she wears reminds me of Rin & Len, older sister perhaps that nobody knew about?

  11. The voice of Rider? Long pink hair? Cute outfit? SOLD!

  12. She’s not bad…
    I wonder if she’ll have the same impact as the other Vocaloids…
    I want a figure of her though…

  13. Well, I’m with u. ^_^
    Getting the figma is a must as I don’t say to myself as having the whole Vocaloid set without her. xD

    Wow, everyone has a big heart for her. I will stand back and stick with Miku for now. lol

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