Kagami Hiiragi Figma

My figma Kagami Hiiragi from Lucky Star arrived yesterday and I took some pictures of her but waited until today to post them up. I was planning on doing it all outdoors but the weather changed from sunny to cloudy while I was in the middle of it, and most of the shots I took turned out horrible. I found a decent alternative though I suppose. Now the Hiiragi twins are complete, one more Lucky Star figma left to get! Yes, I’ve got Miyuki pre-ordered the minute I saw her up on HobbySearch. Alright enough randomness, on to her review!

Kagami comes with a book that is actually just plain white, and it comes with two manga cover stickers as I’ve shown here. The sticker was a tiny bit larger than the book itself, but it works alright. I tried and failed a pose and her book fell into the water of the plant behind her, and it survived! Good thing they have two stickers though. Aside from these special hands she has her regular eight that all the Lucky Star figmas have. She came with only two faces a serious one and a happy one, but since all the Lucky Star figmas are interchangeable with each other and her eyes are the same as Tsukasa’s then collecting them both just allows for more options. After all, why would you wanna separate the twins? Speaking of twins, I had to throw a couple of pictures of them together now that they’ve been reunited after the long trip overseas. Of course, Konata plays a small cameo here and tries to steal the show.

As for the quality of this figma, I saw no flaws from the time I spent doing these pictures. No loose limbs here. The hair and faces fit the way they should, and the twin tails, even though they lack figma joints due to their size, they don’t pop out when moved around, at least for me. The stand fit in her back just right and the stand itself isn’t loose. A little detail that I noticed and like is that her shoes have more detail than Tsukasa and Konata, she’s got little laces on her shoes. Overall, she’s probably the best made of the LS figmas so far, at least for me. So who else is excited about the upcoming OVA? I know it’s only one episode but I could go for another whole season. I think it’d be interesting to see what their lives after high school would be like.

Kagami Hiiragi Figma

My figma Kagami Hiiragi from Lucky Star arrived yesterday and I took some pictures of her but waited until today to post them up. I was planning on doing it all outdoors but the weather changed from sunny to cloudy while I was in the middle of it, and most of the shots I took turned out horrible. I found a decent alternative though I suppose. Now the Hiiragi twins are complete, one more Lucky Star figma left to get! Yes, I’ve got Miyuki pre-ordered the minute I saw her up on HobbySearch. Alright enough randomness, on to her review!

Kagami comes with a book that is actually just plain white, and it comes with two manga cover stickers as I’ve shown here. The sticker was a tiny bit larger than the book itself, but it works alright. I tried and failed a pose and her book fell into the water of the plant behind her, and it survived! Good thing they have two stickers though. Aside from these special hands she has her regular eight that all the Lucky Star figmas have. She came with only two faces a serious one and a happy one, but since all the Lucky Star figmas are interchangeable with each other and her eyes are the same as Tsukasa’s then collecting them both just allows for more options. After all, why would you wanna separate the twins? Speaking of twins, I had to throw a couple of pictures of them together now that they’ve been reunited after the long trip overseas. Of course, Konata plays a small cameo here and tries to steal the show.

As for the quality of this figma, I saw no flaws from the time I spent doing these pictures. No loose limbs here. The hair and faces fit the way they should, and the twin tails, even though they lack figma joints due to their size, they don’t pop out when moved around, at least for me. The stand fit in her back just right and the stand itself isn’t loose. A little detail that I noticed and like is that her shoes have more detail than Tsukasa and Konata, she’s got little laces on her shoes. Overall, she’s probably the best made of the LS figmas so far, at least for me. So who else is excited about the upcoming OVA? I know it’s only one episode but I could go for another whole season. I think it’d be interesting to see what their lives after high school would be like.