Kanu Unchou Figma

Here we have Kanu Unchou figma from Ikkitousen: Great Guardians. Now, mind you, I haven’t watched the anime yet, as it is the 3rd season of Ikkitousen, and I’ve only about 2/3rds of the first season. I’ve seen enough to think Kanu is pretty bad ass, although I really don’t care for the anime much. This figure was I bought more for the fact that this is the first “cast-off” style figma, and the first figure that I’ll have owned that was actually ecchi in the least. My wife thought she looked pretty cool also. So this is probably the first figure that I’ve bought where I really didn’t care for the anime much and don’t know the character all that much either, but there are so many figures of her out there, and I’m an avid figma collector it would seem.

Now, you may have heard people’s reviews about Kan’u being a bit smaller than other figma. Well she stands about the same height as Tsukasa, but her upper body really is smaller than the other figmas. Her face is the smallest of all the figma I’ve seen. She does have thick legs and bulky knee socks that help her balance easier, but the socks do restrict some of her feet’s ability to move. Her hair is pretty awesome, and it can also support her weight along with her feet for posing without the stand. The stand itself has a different sort of attachable piece that I’ve shown here, to allow her to be on the stand without her hair getting in the way as much, but the piece seemed a little too loose for comfort, she’s alright on it but I might try and secure it a little more just to be cautious. Another interesting thing about her hair is that the longer piece is actually removable, and it has a figma joint in it. She comes with 3 faces total, open mouth, normal and what has been come to be known as the constipated look, lol.

As for the cast-off side of things, well I’m not so sure you could call it cast-off but that’s what I’ll call it anyway. Her shirt/breasts are removable and replaceable with the ripped battle version, and removal and replacement was pretty simple, just a little pushing on her “eyes” and they slide into place, you can notice a bit of a crack where it comes off, but I don’t think it’s that bad. As you saw in the very first picture in the post, her pantsu is removable, but not exactly how you think. In order to change her skirt you need to remove both legs, then remove the pantsu, then pull the skirt off and put the other one on. I had a bit of difficulty putting the other skirt on her, and what I ended up doing was turning it inside-out (it’s a soft rubbery plastic) and slipping it over her waist, then turning it back the right way and slipping it into the waistline crack where it’s supposed to fit into and stay in place. A bit of a task, and somewhat scary at first, but all in all it turned out just fine. Yes, the first shot you see she is actually without her legs, I got the idea when I was changing her skirt. I just realize that this post sounds really, really bad. Well, hope you enjoy the pictures!


Well, it is the big day!:D There is so much in store for this day, I’m already getting ready for the cosplaying of Kooh!:D I think this is going to be so fun!:D
And yesterday I got the figma Tsukasa Hiiragi, and Kanu!:D I will post those pics in this blog!:D

Tsukasa Hiiragi Figma

Ahaha Chin Chin! *cough* Sorry. So yesterday in the morning Tsukasa Hiiragi made her way to our door along with Kanu Unchou, who I will be doing next. Today is officially my wife’s 27th birthday, and we got some things planned so I figure I’ll put this up before we get busy. Look forward to her blogging about her new tattoo of Tama the tiger from Hayate no Gotoku coming soon! I’m curious to how it’ll turn out.

Alright anyways on with Tsukasa! She feels a little out of place without her twin sister Kagami, but she’ll be here later this month. When we took her out of her package we were a little surprised because her leg fell off almost right away. Luckily it doesn’t keep falling off though I guess it was just loose at first. Her stand fits in her back just fine unlike some of the figmas I’ve gotten. Not a whole lot with Tsukasa as she only has 2 faces and the normal Lucky Star figma hands plus the two hands for her cell phone. The cell phone worried me a little at first because when I was putting the hands in I thought it’d break off, but it does come off of the hand it’s normally attached to just fine and back in place just as easy. Her faces and hair fits on perfectly, not the least bit loose. She’s a great figma and I love her because I’m a Lucky Star fan. The only thing I wish is that she had at least one more face, but I’ll forgive because her 2nd face is too adorable. Not a whole lot else to say about her beside the fact that I’m happy with her even though I’m getting used to being spoiled by awesome accessories and she’s lacking in that department. Technically she’s my wife’s but we share 😛

^ I just love her facial expression, Tsukasa performs a not-so-magic trick!

Tsukasa Hiiragi Figma

Ahaha Chin Chin! *cough* Sorry. So yesterday in the morning Tsukasa Hiiragi made her way to our door along with Kanu Unchou, who I will be doing next. Today is officially my wife’s 27th birthday, and we got some things planned so I figure I’ll put this up before we get busy. Look forward to her blogging about her new tattoo of Tama the tiger from Hayate no Gotoku coming soon! I’m curious to how it’ll turn out.

Alright anyways on with Tsukasa! She feels a little out of place without her twin sister Kagami, but she’ll be here later this month. When we took her out of her package we were a little surprised because her leg fell off almost right away. Luckily it doesn’t keep falling off though I guess it was just loose at first. Her stand fits in her back just fine unlike some of the figmas I’ve gotten. Not a whole lot with Tsukasa as she only has 2 faces and the normal Lucky Star figma hands plus the two hands for her cell phone. The cell phone worried me a little at first because when I was putting the hands in I thought it’d break off, but it does come off of the hand it’s normally attached to just fine and back in place just as easy. Her faces and hair fits on perfectly, not the least bit loose. She’s a great figma and I love her because I’m a Lucky Star fan. The only thing I wish is that she had at least one more face, but I’ll forgive because her 2nd face is too adorable. Not a whole lot else to say about her beside the fact that I’m happy with her even though I’m getting used to being spoiled by awesome accessories and she’s lacking in that department. Technically she’s my wife’s but we share 😛

^ I just love her facial expression, Tsukasa performs a not-so-magic trick!