The Birthday Stash

Well it’s a few days after my birthday now, but I never did show what I got that day besides the figmas that had arrived early. I think I went a little overboard on spending, but at least my wife and son got stuff too. Here’s my stash of goodies that I got. So, the Dirty Japanese book the wife picked out, but once I read some of it I couldn’t resist, gah! Survival Japanese book is really cool, having the Kanji/Kana and Romaji and even proper pronunciation of many useful words and sentences. I’m pretty sure I mentioned before that I’m trying to learn to read, write and speak Japanese basically on my own. Along with my Kana de Manga book, and numerous bookmarked websites these books should help. So my mom came over and switched my DS’s default language to Japanese to mess with me, I think I’ll keep it like that though ๐Ÿ˜› It doesn’t affect the actual games so why not. I only have one game so far, and only got it cuz it’s been ages since I played a Zelda game. Anyone know any good games for Nintendo DS? I know I saw some Kanji games in full Japanese for people that have 1-3 years of language study on J-list. I’ll wait a while before I get any of those though, I want to be able to actually read them first. So is there much in the way of anime related games for the DS? I’ve heard a little but any suggestions are more than welcome.

My wife ended up getting a cool looking Japanese doll too, that I found in a really old looking bookstore while walking around downtown. I’m sure she’ll post it up on her blog eventually.


  1. a good japanese game for the DS is Jump Ultimate Star, it plays like super smash bros., the game includes every since character that has apeared in weekly shonen jump as playable characters.

  2. that looks pretty cool, lots of characters, many I wouldn’t mind beating up lol. Thanks for the suggestion I’ll have to look for this one.

  3. Why not try Ouendan? If you like Japanese music and rhythm games, you might want to give it a try.

  4. OK hun, I don’t know how I forgot to post the pics of my new doll, but I will do that now since you’re with your mom at the moment. Btw, i’m feeling a little better.

  5. Try out Elite Beat Agents, its the english/american version of Ouendan. If you like it then you can go get Ouendan 2, then if you liked that get the original ouendan.

    get the original last. The gameplay is the same but when you die you gota watch through the song intro every time you try the level again. They fix that in the later series…. that and u can’t save replays ..

  6. My favorite games for DS are Mario Kart, Animal Crossing and Pokemon. A new version “Pokemon Platinum” is coming out soon and I am planning on buying the Japanese version of that. That would be a good game to start with since there is no kanji in the game. Also, if you are learning Japanese, I tried buying lots of books to help me, but ultimately, nearly none of them helped. I have learned most of my Japanese from watching Anime and reading Japanese manga and learning lots of words from context. I find that this “real life” way of learning Japanese works for me and I know enough Japanese to read a Japanese manga or watch most Anime without subtitles. And I have only been interested in Anime for three years. Good luck!

  7. normally i’ll just read reviews and stuffs..

    i recently played “Rhythm Tengoku Gold”. you basically use your stylus to flick in the game, flick at the correct time, filling up bottles of juices etc etc, light hearted casual gaming…

    i also tried space invaders extreme as i was feeling nostalgic.. haha but hey the music is good, pace is fast, not like the old times, you got to give it a try. there’s also a multiplayer modes.

    Quendan is great fun, you got to try it

  8. My favs DS games are : The world ends with you , Hotel Dusk and Another Code .And of course Final fantasy 4 ^^

    But Zelda is good too ^^

  9. My birthday was in July but my birthday haul is VERY similar to yours! I got a DS with Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for a gift as well! As for the Dirty Japanese book and the xxxHolic manga I bought those for myself :)So far for the DS I’ve only played Summon Night: Twin Age and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney to completion. currently I’m torn over what to try next.

  10. @ lovelyduckie – haha that is pretty crazy we got almost the exact same birthday gifts XD I’m hoping to get that Castlevania game you got soon right now.

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