Nanoha Takamachi Figma

Alright, time for Nanoha Takamachi figure pictures and a short review. Well this one I was worried about the twin tails because I’d heard other people complain about them falling off easily. Such is not the case in mine, but I did notice after changing faces the front hair piece loose again, not that it’s unusual, after the same happening with Konata. The faces both fit snugly, so that’s a plus. The most annoying feature of this is the huge sleeves on her jacket, it makes switching hands a bit harder than I’m used to, but alas nothing that would make me regret buying her. The flier fins are a really cool addition, I’m just super paranoid about breaking them cuz they look and feel fragile ๐Ÿ˜›

Overall, I’m pleased with this purchase. She’s a great looking figure and the accessories are awesome. She’s not as fragile as she appears. Yeah, not a lot to say about it really, if you like the Lyrical Girl Magical Nanoha series enough to want a figure, and you like action figures, she’s worth the price she sells for.


  1. Dude, I loved the first two pics with the posing with the rising sun flag. It looked friggen EPIC!

  2. Man… talk about the land of the rising sun… *looks at first two images*

    It’s good to hear yours is not too fragile. Maybe I should get this to compliment the Fate figma…

    Update: Somebody noticed the flag too… beat me to a comment. ^^;

  3. i agree. the flag was a nice touch. ^^

  4. she looks great, i have been planning to buy soon

  5. Heh, Nanoha-san doesn’t forget her roots. I don’t have any problem with the twintails so far, I’ve never heard anything about it so far up til now. Nanoha-san says “hi” to her doppelganger.

  6. since others have commented on the flag I won’t comment on it lol and wow the wings on her shoes look awesome! And I like how her joints are not obvious at all ^^ thanks for the review!

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