Figures and Wall Scrolls

So I’m still awake at almost 1 AM and I figure I’d just throw some random photos up to get started and link you to my figure collection. I’ve only recently began collecting anime related character figures, mainly because of the discovery of Figma which I will be posting pictures of the two I currently own on here. Of course, I have to give credit to DannyChoo because if I hadn’t found his awesome site while looking for information on Japan I wouldn’t even have become a figure collector. I always admired figures when I saw them but the price and the practicality turned me off, because normal figures aren’t poseable like a figma is, and the prices are so high for something that can only sit on your shelf or desk and look pretty. Of course I will admit there are plenty of figures I’ve got my eyes on that aren’t figmas, but figmas are what I’m the most excited about. So far I have only Yuki Nagato and Haruhi Suzumiya but as you’ll see from my collection I have a few more pre-ordered. I’m really looking forward to the Miku Hatsune figma the most of all I think. Still no word on when it’ll be out though. Alright enough talk, here’s some pictures of my current collection which is just starting out.

Yuki Nagato & Haruhi Suzumiya

Also, a non-figma that you could expect from someone going by Persocom-san if you’ve any idea what a persocom is. Chobits very own Chi. You’ll have to bare with me, I’m not very talented at taking pictures of figures yet, I’m only used to shooting scenery and people, and I’m only using a digital camera. I didn’t bother photoshopping these yet to make them look better so you’re left with the raw photos. Chi on the top, Haruhi and Yuki on the bottom.

I’ll definately work on my figure photography skills more, and keep updating when I do take new pictures. I suppose now I’ll show you my small collection of wall scrolls? Recently I got sick of posters because they end up beat up and torn so easily, especially when moving. Wall scrolls are so much better because they roll up easy, don’t need tape, staples, tacks or nails in them, and the material is thicker and sturdier than plain poster paper. Wall scrolls for the win! I kept the box from one that I ordered online for storage. I only have two so far but one more should be showing up in the mail within the week.

Well then I guess that’s enough for this entry. Goodnight!


  1. Oha, bice blog you have here!

    Cute collection and interesting shots you have of them. I’m looking forward to those figs once they’re available in my country as well XD

  2. Well I’m glad I am not the only insomniac. Was redirected here via ^_^

    From someone who is contemplating on starting a figure collection (me) to someone who has just started, I’m envious!

    I want to start my own collection soon but I’m hesitant. The major obstacle (besides $$$) is that I’m afraid I’ll be ridiculed, looked down on by my family/friends – and god knows what my GF would think. I mean being a grown man I don’t think it would look good playing with “dolls” – as it were figure collecting is a very foreign thing here in the West and probably seen as childish or even feminine.

    Did you encounter any of these problems? And if so, how did you face/overcome them?

  3. Thanks suki ^^.

    anonymous, thank you also, and that question sounds like a good subject for my next post. I’ll be sure to talk about these things as they become stronger issues while I collect more figures as well.

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